Friday, July 20, 2007

So, I decided that each blog should have a picture of how I feel that day. Here's how I feel today:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

So, if you didn't get that, that means I am sooo ready to do something fun. Something I can get all gussied up for and do something that's... well, like I said, fun.

I so wish that the guy I like could see me when I'm not at the pool. I look stupid with my bathing suit on revealing my weird shaped stomach, and my hair gets all slicked back like I'm bald.

But he doesn't even know where I live, or who my friends are, or where I, like...
omg. Oh my goodness gracious, I think I just had insight, or something. Whatever that is. But I could go to the swim meet! Then I could wear my best outfit, and I wouldn't look like I came to see him because my best friend is on the swim team, so..

Ha! Ha HA! I will report back after I figure out what I'm going to wear and what time the swim meet is. =D

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

funniest commercial ev-ah. gwarsh, i am soooo bored... summer can get pre-tty darn boring when your friends RE-FUSE to call you.

i think i'm going to be bored like this forever. or at least until school starts again....

know what I should do? I should have a party at the end of summer. and invite loads of people. yes. that way, i can catch up with everyone before school gets up again.

i hope my new school is nice!! my madre went there and she's gunna give me a tour one of these days. do you guys think I should have the party????? gah, will my madre even LET me?!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sucha Long Time!

My goodness, I haven't been on here in a while!! Guess what... I'm going to a new school next year. All my friends are coming with me, thankfullyyyy....

I'm a little bored, so I'm gonna find a nice video to put on here... let's see....

well, i'll find one later. it's tanner's turn on the puter. gots to get off.

peace <3

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Jones and Mentos Expiriment

funny!! to jenna!!! =)


I'm at my Grandma Dalia's house
Alana and I have hid a red rubber ball somewhere in the house
Gary and Tanner are insanely looking for thy ball (smartical people)
I'm....... wearing a green shirt???
Alana and Orion are talking/discussing about the location of the ball
Their clues are 1.) In the dark and 2.) Pearls.

I'll reveal the location to you layter!!!
=) =) =) =) =) =) =)